Tag: Memories

  • Christmas Remembrances 2015

    Christmas Remembrances 2015

    I was asked to talk briefly about what Christmas means to me at our Church’s Christmas candlelight service. Here is what I read:

    Considering Christmas remembrances brings to mind many different things. I hear often about how we must focus more on giving, and how blessed it is to give rather than receive.Read the rest

  • Holiday Blessings

    Holiday Blessings

    First, we wish everyone a Merry Christmas!

    Our family is all well, and for that we are very grateful. Brian, Vicki, Evan, and Megyn all enjoy their jobs and have busy lives. Our oldest granddaughter Sara is in her second year of college and doing great.… Read the rest

  • A New Daughter-in-Law

    A New Daughter-in-Law

    In many ways, it’s been a difficult summer. Brian’s marriage ended, and much had to be worked out regarding he and Kristy’s agreement, particularly as it pertained to parenting the children. These situations are never easy on anyone.

    However, we are joyful over the addition of Vicki and her boys to our family.  … Read the rest

  • Lucky.

    I’ve been thinking a lot about how fortunate I am to be taking another trip with my mother, who is still alive, still well, and still able to do things like this at the young age of Almost 86. All around me are friends, family, and acquaintances that I come into contact with who have either lost their mothers or have mothers that are too ill or frail to consider traveling or doing anything that could be physically challenging.… Read the rest