Red Sails . . .

A camellia from my yardThe escrow on Mother’s home will close in a few days. We are completing the task of emptying the house and garage. The void left by her loss continues, although each day the memories are sweeter, and the pain less harsh.

Over the last week, I’ve been taking camellias over to her house. It makes me feel good to see them sitting on her kitchen windowsill.  She always enjoyed them during this time of year. During Mother’s very last days, in her medicated haze, she mentioned a song title, along with some other strange stuff … later on, I tried to remember the name of that song, and finally heard it earlier today … it was “Red Sails in the Sunset.”

Here are the lyrics. It gave me a bit of a chill:

{Red sails in the sunset, way out on the sea}
Oh, carry my loved one home safely to me
{She sailed at the dawning, all day I’ve been blue}
Red sails in the sunset, I’m trusting in you

Swift wings you must borrow
Make straight for the shore
We marry tomorrow
And she goes sailing no more

{Red sails in the sunset, way out on the sea}
Oh, carry my loved one home safely to me

Swift wings you must borrow
Make straight for the shore
We marry tomorrow
And she goes sailing no more

{Red sails in the sunset}
Way out on the sea
Oh, carry my loved one
{Home safely to me}

To me, the Red Sails are a metaphor for God’s bringing her Home, where she will be safe forever. He will “marry” her in Heaven, and she will sail (toil on this earth) no more. Sixty was waiting for her.


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