Give Us Free – Kip McCormick – February 14, 2021
1800’s slave story “Give Us, Us Free” Went to supreme court.
We all want freedom, but we are all in bondage about something.
Jesus can give us free!
Lesson based on Matt 15, Mark 7
Matt 15:2 – Why do your disciples break the tradition of the elders? They don’t wash their hands before they eat!
Washing a certain way. Jesus rebukes them for judging. “heart cleanliness.” Jewish feet, Gentiles were unclean.
Jesus goes from Jewish area to Gentile territory.
Matt 17:21 – However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.
No Jewish person or rabbi would go there.
Matt 15:22 A Canaanite woman from that vicinity came to him, crying out, “Lord, Son of David, have mercy on me! My daughter is demon-possessed and suffering terribly.
“Son of David” points to the Messiah.
How do you view Jesus? A good teacher, or savior? For radical change, he has to be your savior.
Demon-possessed child presented to Jesus. Obstacles: Canaanite, female, gentile. Satan is against her.
Matt 15:23-24 Jesus did not answer a word. So his disciples came to him and urged him, “Send her away, for she keeps crying out after us.” 24 He answered, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel.”
Disciples told Jesus to send her away. “Block” people that need to get to Jesus. Jesus responds, “I was only sent to the lost sheep of Israel.”
God was not done with Israel.
Nowadays, there is a ____ of theology.
The Jesus people would not get it. “Insiders” wouldn’t get it; “fringe peeps” did.
Matt 15:25 The woman came and knelt before him. “Lord, help me!” she said.
Knelt: Greek (worship something or someone). Knelt because Jesus is her savior.
Jesus says:
Matt 15:26 He replied, “It is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to the dogs.”
Unclean is about the condition of your heart. Lesson of life and love. Gospel and grace.
Dogs were looked upon as scavengers.
Matt 15:27 “Yes it is, Lord,” she said. “Even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master’s table.”
“Yes, but even the dogs …” puppies in the arms of Jesus.
She got what Jesus was saying. Even the Gentiles got enough from Jesus.
Our western cultures ays “if you believe, go to the table you can come to the master’s table. But Jesus says, no. I have enough for everyone.
Matt 15:28 Then Jesus said to her, “Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted.” And her daughter was healed at that moment.
Woman you have great faith!
Jesus was always looking towards the cross.
Crumbs” for unclean, Gentile, Dogs.
Jesus always honors faith that seeks grace.
Jesus “Gives us free.”
- Masters table: wide, beautiful, and messy. Enter through the narrow gate. Meet right where we are, no matter what’s going on.
- Life transformation begins with grace, not repentance. We should want to repent after grace.
Approach Jesus with humility, not pride.
Not less of yourself, but yourself less … C.S. Lewis
Jesus is under no obligation to answer our prayers in our way and on our timing.
Story poinbts to believability of the Bible. Six stories that involve women (listen to audio to get it)
In that time, women had no rights.
So these stories wouldn’t be told unless they were true. Jesus taught women with love, respect, dignity and honor.
Punch line: Jesus became a dog when he went to the cross to take on our uncleanliness. Bad things made good through Jesus.
Feeding 5,000 – Bryon Mengle – February 21, 2021
Bob Marvel – February 28, 2021
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When Jesus does miracles, it isn’t showing off. He was giving a sign. all four Gospels talk about the feeling of the 5000. Mark 8:1920, Mark 8:21. He asks the disciples, do you not understand? Still? There is still confusion. In John chapter 6, People are leaving in droves because they don’t believe that there will be enough food for them. But that meal was really about a meal of Jesus not with Jesus. All the way through the story you see the theme of bread. John 6:35. Looking at the meal being about Jesus note the “I am” statements. John 6:26 there were signs pointing to who Jesus was. They got a free and incredible meal. He is saying that they want him to give them something but he is wanting to give them life not lunch. John 6:26 and 27. Jesus wanted to give them something that would give them eternal life. Life – and eternal quality of life not so much quantity. John 6:31 remind her that Moses gave them bread from heaven. Six days a week times 40 years. So Jesus, what did you do? Jesus responded, it was not Moses that gave the bread but my father. John 6:32. Moses was then, this is now. God gives true bread from heaven. John 6:33. “This bread gives life to the world.” This bread is a person make him your life that is the true bread of life. John 6:3435. Jesus says, I am the bread of life it’s all about Jesus John 6:41. Jews grumbled about Jesus. John 6:4849. Jesus says it again! I am! Jesus talks about how this bread is so much better than they ate in the past. Bread is referred to as manna. John 6:48 to 50. Men may eat and not die. Your forefathers died. Jesus was talking about eternal life and not just for the 5000, but for the life of the world. Bread that is broken. He uses bread as a metaphor when he talks about curls being planted. He is a kernel planted in a grave. Jesus was crushed needed and beat and then it’s bread. At the last supper he goes into this a bit more. So much greater than feeding the 5000. John 6:305–41 to 4851. I am the living bread. Central message is that Jesus is the living bread, it’s what he’s doing not just what he is. Every meal becomes a sacrament. Don’t just just, but digest. Ongoing, living, his presence. Life filled with hope, meaning, grace, forgiveness may the living bread give you life each day.
Bob Marvel March 7, 2021.
Picking up the tab
Luke 7:36. Jesus was comfortable eating with anyone regardless of their beliefs, etc. Others might not have felt that way. Luke 7:36. Pharisees invited Jesus. Motivations question why question to question him? Ask why he is so popular? To say no should be an insult. Although Jesus probably saw it as a positive thing because he could go with the mission of saving. Jesus reclined? Tables were lower in those days. Context is important. But also Jesus posture reflected his posture in the situation and other words his attitude or inner approach. Luke 7:37. We don’t know anything about her other then she lived a sinful life. People can’t brand what people did in there earlier lives. But maybe she lived in an abusive home. Context and history? Maybe society and circumstances gave her no option. We don’t know much about the woman but we do know Jesus and how he treated women. Her wordless worship. Luke 7:38. Wiped, kissed, and perfumed Jesus feet. This was not done at that time! It was too intimate and provocative. Simon is watching this. The Pharisee man That invited Jesus judges her also! He compares himself to both of them and judged accordingly. We give ourselves more credit for the good and less for the bad. How much sin must one commit? Simon’s righteous Ness judges and distances. Jesus righteousness forgives and welcomes. Luke 7:40. Jesus tell Simon a story. He retails the story at the table with the woman. Jesus contrast of two. Luke seven, 15, 16, 18. Jesus first one to talk about cancel culture! He cancels so people can come to the inside! Luke 7:41 to 43. When it comes to debts, more important than the amount is the awareness of the debt. The debt is an eternal cancellation but Simon was not aware of it. First Timothy 1:15. Awareness of his sin! Saved a wretch like me. “There is no Saint without a past, no sinner without a future. “By Saint Augustus. More than the sin is the awareness Luke 7:44. If we think we have the ability to judge others we are blind and deceived. forgiven sinners forgiving sinners. Ask yourself: is there any Simon in May? If so, repent! Luke 7:50.
without a future.
Bob Marvel – march 14, 2021
Keeping the change
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One and a half weeks before Jesus goes to the cross, he declares what will soon be happening to him.he is in Jericho. Jericho is very very below sea level. Jesus reveals what is coming in Luke 18:31–33. Jesus has an encounter down in Jericho on his way to Jerusalem. Luke 19:1 Dash two. He encounters Zacchaeus which means pure, innocent, and blameless.
But in reality, Zacchaeus was a one per center, a cheating center, and a chief tax collector which is the worst. He also was very short. Perhaps he was bullied. Maybe he was angry about this, so he chose to be a tax collector? Payback? But that’s just speculation. According to Luke 19:4, Zacchaeus climbed a tree. No man does that, that is a child’s activity. What was it an act of? To hide? Or see Jesus? Luke 19:3–5. Jesus knew Zacchaeus his name. He saw Zacchaeus in the tree. What if Jesus saw Zacchaeus and understood what his name really meant? Jesus in effect, went after the one for center. Luke 19:6. This is a Zacchaeus moment. (Insert screenshot) Luke 19:6 people grumbled about Zacchaeus being a sinner and the fact that Jesus declared that he was staying with him. There had to be a meal there which is a what if. Luke 19: 7-8: there was a big change in Zacchaeus. How did this happen? Grace became the dynamic for him to change. Zacchaeus went beyond the minimum requirements to repent. Not only did he pay back 20% to those he had stolen or tax, but he paid back 400%. Zacchaeus tasted Grace and it changed him. Remember Zacchaeus is wealthy but immoral. He desperately needed the grace of Jesus. Jesus knows Zacchaeus his heart at this point. Another story of another wealthy man is in Luke 18:24 Dash 25. But this one refused to go with Jesus so Zacchaeus story is an amazing experience of grace. Living in Jesus transforming grace. Second Peter 3:18, and one Corinthians 15:10, second Peter 3:18, Luke 19:10. May we be more aware, odd, transformed by the grace of God.
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