Leaving Fresno: Oh, the Memories


Lynn and I spent time reflecting on the areas in and around Fresno that hold special memories for us. Some notes from our conversations:


Camp Chawanakee – remember getting deathly ill for the first two days of my first camp experience. I had to come home. My parents had spent a fortune on camp supplies for me. I went back for several years and eventually became one of the counselors. I spent entire summers at the camp as a counselor.

Swim Park on Northwest corner of Blackstone and Clinton – it had a 50 foot high dive. Also remember North Maple Plunge, Soupy’s Lakeside, and Blakely’s.

E.M. Sutton’s Car Lot – Lot boy during the summers while in high school. No A/C!

Hoover High School – attended and graduated from there. Our two sons did as well. Long live Pates!

Sierra Jr High – middle school

MAG/Mag 7 and Brogue Dances – Rainbow Ballroom, Marigold Ballroom and another downtown location. Some Bands: I remember Bullard students Rocky Morelli, Bob Mills, Mike Meadows, Tom McMichael, Dave Nelson, Bill Stone and one other? Cindermen, Roadrunners, Ron Pearson and the Ron Dons.  Saw Paul Revere and the Raiders several times,  Neil Diamond, Jim Duval and the Gouchos, Ray Camacho and the Teardrops.

Harpain’s Dairy – nothing like Hostess pies or cupcakes, chocolate milk, or the fruit punch.

Crimson Castle dances on Van Ness

Me & Eds on Blackstone

Coney Island Hot Dogs (downtown)

Cedar Lanes – parents used to bowl and we ate there often

Mars Drive In – across the street from where I worked at E.M. Sutton’s


Perry Boy’s Smorgy. My parents took me there one time and all I ate were olives. They weren’t happy.

White Front

Radcliffe Stadium – Tailgating for the Pig Bowl, Fresno State Football games

West Side Walking Beat in the 70’s – 800 and 900 block of E, F, and G and then Tulare and H

Drive ins –  Moon-Glo, Starlite, Motor-Inn, Sunnyside

Hardtops at the Kearney Bowl and Clovis Rodeo Grounds

Drag races at Raisin City – Blackie Gejeian

John Euless baseball park – directly east of Radcliffe Stadium. Watched Fresno Giants Minor League baseball team

Colonial Greens Miniature Golf on Maple and Shields

Bob’s Big Boy – big hangout and date spot

People’s Church – Cedar and Dakota

Big-Time Wrestling: The Alaskan, Ray “Thunder” Stearn, Pat Patterson, Don Morocco, Rowdy “Roddy” Piper, Kenji Shibuya and Mitzu Arakawa. It was broadcasted in a building about where Black Angus stands today, back in the day when that area was in the sticks.

Tennis Courts at Roeding Park – where I proposed to Robin

Ed Cutler’s – where Robin and I bought our first TV

Fresno P.D. Downtown and Northeast Stations

Way of Japan

College Church of Christ – we have been members since the late 70’s

Fresno State!!!!


Triple J Drugstore – Walked there from our home right across the street

Ice Cream Shop in the Triple J shopping center … which I could recall the name!

Birdie McTweet Disco

Channel 18 building on L Street – site of volunteer events and the Great TV Auction

Elvis comes to Fresno (in the 70’s) – had a seat near the back row but didn’t care

Hot salads at Estrada’s – my mother and I would treat ourselves while planning the wedding

Lamoure’s Cleaners on Cedar/Gettysburg – Worked there a few hours a week during high school

Harpain’s Dairy – Cute guys in red and white checkered shirts


White Front – bought our first washer and dryer there

Mell-o Ice Cream On Cedar and Shields

Rhode’s – felt rich when I walked in the door. Will never forget the displays or the smell

Rodder’s Mademoiselle Downtown – winding staircase – worked there part time while in college


Fresno City College Library – where I met Lynn

McLane High School Quad – site of many gatherings between classes

Hawaiian Gardens – first (furnished) apartment

Elanco (and later Eli Lilly and Company) Distribution Center – way out in the industrial part of town. Had two great jobs there spanning 7 years

Blanche Nosworthy’s in Old Fig Garden – where the kids went to preschool. It was a young child’s paradise

Shear Pleasure Beauty Salon off of Cedar by Way of Japan

Shear Pleasure Beauty Salon on Palm and Bullard (still there) – my sister has owned my hair for 48 years

College Church of Christ!

Fresno State!!!!


2 responses to “Leaving Fresno: Oh, the Memories”

  1. Mary Avatar

    Gosh, this brings back memories! I grew up in Fresno….I think we might be about the same vintage given the things you remember. You mentioned Fresno PD & Pig Bowl. Were you an officer? So was my dad. He retired in the early 80’s if I remember correctly.

    1. robin Avatar

      From Lynn: Yes, I was an officer. I was a member of the Fresno Police Department for 26 years, and retired in 1998 at the rank of Captain.

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