
Our latest posts appear below. Enjoy!

  • COVID 19: December 2021

    COVID 19: December 2021

    The Omicron Variant is the Current Big Story

    Ultimately, Omicron’s effect on the course of the pandemic will be determined by three factors: its transmissibility; the degree to which it evades our existing immune defenses; and its virulence, or the severity of the disease that it causes. … Read the rest

  • COVID 19: November 2021

    COVID 19: November 2021

    Coronavirus Update:

    People have basically moved on. Kids are back in school, most Americans are vaccinated, some with booster shots. But a cold weather resurgence is possible, and there are unknowns. We aren’t done yet, or should I say … COVID 19 isn’t done yet.Read the rest

  • COVID 19: October 2021

    COVID 19: October 2021

    Starting with This

    The coronavirus death count in the United States has now exceeded 700,000. Most of the deaths over the last months were in the south and of the unvaccinated, and there were more younger victims than any other point in the pandemic.… Read the rest

  • August 2021 Interview with Dr. Fauci

    August 2021 Interview with Dr. Fauci

    Rand Paul is an anti-science troll. I happened to hear a horrible exchange between him and Dr. Fauci at a hearing. It was incredible. What an awful person!

    Dr. Abdul El-Sayed interviewed Dr. Anthony Fauci for the second time. The first time was in July 2020.… Read the rest

  • Summer 2021 Memories

    Summer 2021 Memories

    It was another quiet summer due to COVID. But we made the best of it and the best is what we got! We were able to spend time with friends that enjoy coming up here to escape from the California Central Valley heat.… Read the rest