
Our latest posts appear below. Enjoy!

  • Our Year 2024

    Our Year 2024

    The year began with Lynn’s left knee replacement. Fortunately, there were no complications. The first two weeks were no cakewalk. We were told that success would be 10% surgeon skill and 90% patient recovery efforts (doing the exercises, going to physical therapy, etc).… Read the rest

  • COVID 19: 2024

    This is the only post for 2024. From now on, if I ever post about COVID, it will be a unique post about a specific topic or incident.

    Below is some information that I read in 2024. I made sure that I verified the sources:

    The most recent information is posted at the top.… Read the rest

  • COVID 19: Mid- to late 2023

    Vaccine Safety

    Ever since President Biden ended COVID national emergency in April, people have been arguing about the efficacy and safety of the vaccines (Tangle newsletter, dated July 14, 2023).

    The newsletter contains an interview with an ER doctor and researcher, Dr.Read the rest

  • COVID 19: Early 2023

    It was around this time that I began to detach myself from the pandemic …. psychologically.

    I began looking for highlights, and listening to the occasional anecdotal remarks that seemed relevant. I found that was very little being said. People had REALLY moved on.… Read the rest

  • Christians Are Not Perfect. Just …..

    Christians Are Not Perfect. Just …..

    Christian Virtues are Under Construction.

    This morning, our lead pastor (Bob Marvel) at Cornwall Community Church preached a message on acquiring virtues. I was inspired, and encouraged, by what I heard.

    2 Peter 1:5-8 – For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge;  and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness;  and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love. 

    Read the rest