Covid 19: September 2020

A Calm Person has the Strongest Mind

This saying reminded me of Lynn. Regarding COVID, he isn’t interested in plowing through the weeds like I am! But he listens to me when I share my thoughts and feels, as I do, that the guidelines recommended due to the current science need to be followed. I’m thankful for his stability and patience!

A Revision is Needed …

Back in the May post, under the heading “Live and Let Live,” I inserted some lines that require updating. My thoughts have changed regarding many of the points that I made then.

I totally agree, and choose to adopt, the following philosophy at this time (changed as of September 2, 2020):

Live and Let Live

There are always two sides to every story and more then one way to solve a problem …as long as the recommended guidelines are followed and choices are carefully thought out, considering others and the current situation. We still don’t know what we don’t know.

When a restaurant opens its doors I can go in and eat inside if I feel safe AND if the guidelines apply to me.   I can still get my meal to go or stay home.

As malls and stores begin to open up I can go shop all day long if I feel safe AND if the guidelines apply to me.  I will just social distance and wear a mask. If I don’t feel safe shopping, I can continue to shop online or request curbside if available.

Wear a mask if I can’t social distance at least 6 feet, and if I am in a closed area.  If a friend doesn’t want to wear a mask, continue to talk over the phone or zoom with them.

When a hairdresser’s business opens up and I feel comfortable getting a haircut, AND if the guidelines apply to me, I’ll go for it.  If I don’t feel safe, I’ll keep letting my hair grow.

Live and let live. Don’t expect everyone to think or act like me.We all have different life circumstances. I will decide what I need to do to keep myself safe and will respect how others decide to live and keep themselves safe. But I won’t compromise my beliefs by caving into someone else’s belief system.  And I will follow the science and adhere to the current guidelines. And I will always think of others. The unselfishness of one to benefit the many.

I will endure the short-term hurt for the long-term gain.

Occasionally, I wonder if I will be able to make my planned trip to Fresno in mid-October. At a minimum, I may need to shorten it to just 3-4 days. It will depend on what the numbers are by the end of September.

Where We Are in Early September

Daily transmissions and deaths are plateauing across the country!

Divisive politics has interfered with the safety of all of us. COVID 19 has reminded us that leadership is essential. Trump is saying that all local governments must have vaccine distribution in place by November 2. President Trump is further politicizing the vaccine, suggesting a late October surprise. This isn’t how it’s supposed to be. More people won’t be comfortable getting the vaccine, and who can blame them?

A study in Washington State says we should expect 410,000 COVID 19 deaths by New Years Day. That’s more than double the lives currently lost. Stay tuned. I hope this is wrong.

Reopening Colleges and Universities for on-campus instruction was a bad idea, as outbreaks are occurring nationwide. Yo Duh.

Kids have gone back to school, mostly online. Some private schools are doing in-class learning, in spite of the guidelines. That seems uncaring to me. What would Jesus say?

Politics is everywhere. So politics and science have to interact. Politics presents “tests” for the science to resolve.  (This is contrary to what I have believed up to this point. I thought one had to choose. If I ignore politics, it can creep up in ways I don’t realize because I’m not looking for it.)  If politics respects science, then it would steer clear of interfering with the scientific process.  Our president just appointed a doctor to the COVID Advisory Board that takes scans of the brain. He continues to push his own narrative that is contrary to what scientific experts are saying.

Public Health continues to function poorly, exacerbated by the upcoming election.

I continue to hear and see arguing and bickering and flat-out mean things said about the experts that we should follow. When it’s portrayed as questionable to follow the facts (or the facts appear to be hard to determine) …. people don’t unify. They take sides and divide.

As a Contrast …

Terrible fires in Fresno County have destroyed numerous homes up in the High Sierras, in Shaver Lake and surrounding areas, close to where Lynn and I grew up. The public has come out of the woodwork to support those in need. There is definitely a spirit of unification. I wish it could be this way for COVID 19.

Now the fires are being “politic’ed to death.” It’s because the trees haven’t been cleared. It’s because controlled fires haven’t happened. It’s because the Forestry Service hasn’t been able to do what needs to be done. It’s because of climate change. It’s because of the drought. It’s because of global warming. It’s because of the federal government. It’s because of the State government. It’s because of the democrats. It’s because of the republicans. It’s because ….. if all the “becauses” could just talk together and come up with some sound public policy.

So here we are.

Vaccines – there are 6-7 candidates right now. Three are in Phase 3 trials.  The current plan is probably for a primary shot followed by a booster shot. By end of September, these Phase Threes will be fully enrolled with volunteers, and then it will take  2-3 months for Phase 3 results to be available. Some are
“cautiously optimistic” that a vaccine could be available by the end of the year. It is unlikely that there will be a vaccine by the beginning of November. I think this is over-optimism. I don’t see how a safe vaccine could be available this soon.

Public confidence in Vaccine – it is estimated that one-third of the population would refuse to get it. That’s a looming problem. We need to be transparent about the data and the criteria being used to make decisions regarding making a vaccine safe and effective. And also, what goes into the decision-making process about making a vaccine. A higher percentage of minorities need to be in the trials so that researchers can say that its safe and effective for everyone. Community outreach, engaging the community, getting all demographic groups involved in the clinical trial(s). Boots on the ground, PSAs. It will take a lot to convince people. I know some people right now that say they won’t get it.

There is lots of effort being made to encourage people to get their annual flu shots … now more than ever. Medical officials are concerned about the coexistence of flu and COVID – people, during the wintertime, will be mostly indoors. There is always an uptick of any type of respiratory illness. It may be difficult differentiating between them. Wouldn’t want to see the health care system overwhelmed. And … we don’t know from year to year how effective the flu vaccine will be.  I also know people that won’t get the flu vaccine.

It’s troubling when people don’t want any type of vaccine, regardless of how seriously it’s advised.

There is Pandemic Fatigue

We need reassurance that there will be an end to this, with vaccines and treatments. Throwing up hands and saying let’s go on with our lives leads to carelessness and more infections.

Bottom line: get through the frustration. Hang in there. This will end, and it will end sooner if we go by the public health measures.

Political Influence and Vaccine Development?

How can we be assured that there won’t be a political thumb on the scale? The data goes to a Safety Monitoring Board to determine whether a vaccine is safe. The FDA will not allow political considerations to get into their decisions. There are a couple of levels of control to safeguard against this.

Dr Fauci is cautiously optimistic and advises that we won’t return to ease until there is a vaccine.

Will there is a choice of vaccines? It is likely there will be more than one candidate. How do people choose? Companies will be advertising, and it may be more about which one is available where rather than someone choosing between two of them. Data wasn’t clear cut; when the randomized placebo results come out, we will know.

Who will get the vaccine first? An Advisory Committee of Immunization Practices reports to the CDC. So there is a good decision-making process. Caregivers, at-risk groups, those with underlying conditions, etc. will probably receive it first.

Although I choose to trust in the process, there are many that don’t. I continue to be concerned about this.

Some News Bits

This is a blood plasma treatment protocol that is being developed. Hopefully data will be available soon.

Protesting continues in major cities regarding racial discrimination and anti-police platforms. However, there is some pushback now as business owners and other suffering from property damage are banding together. Law enforcement personnel are retiring, quitting, or moving to other agencies. So there is that.

It’s hard to believe that people would decide to protest over the wearing of masks. But they are in France.


With Election Day just over seven weeks away, Washington is witnessing the collision of two worlds: a community of largely anonymous government scientists and doctors who operate in a culture guided by research, data sets and peer review, and a president famously disdainful of science, politically wounded by his failures to contain the coronavirus and now determined to cast himself as moving as fast as possible to provide Americans with vaccines and treatments. (New York Times)

Cases Are Going Up in Europe and in the Midwest

COVID 19 is still not under control. And, here in the US, there are more cases in the Midwest.

It’s been six months since President Trump announced that we are in a pandemic. Only six months? It seems like it’s been six years.

Own – Lean – Trust – Obey

I will refuse to look through scripture through the lens of the constitution. Rather, I will look at it through the lens of Jesus.

Go through the obstacle!

And Towards the End of September …

Conspiracy theories have taken on new traction. Every single topic relating to COVID 19 has become political. It’s amazing …. I have chosen NOT to believe the following (although many do) ….

  • The Chinese government created the virus as a weapon.
  • The virus has been exaggerated to hurt Trump
  • The Pharmaceutical Industry created the virus to boost drug and vaccine sales.
  • Mask wearing away from home is unnecessary.
  • Open everything back up, go back to our lives, and let herd immunity take care of the virus
  • Due to all of the above, the virus is a hoax and “I won’t get a vaccination.”

This all plays on people’s distrust of government and are hard to fact-check.

For my part …. conspiracies are a public health problem. I choose logic over emotion. Time will tell (or prove) the truth regarding the conspiracies.

Cases are going back up in Washington (and slightly in our county). We are currently in Phase 2. I’m praying that this will turn around so we can at least stay in the phase we are currently in.

Cases are going down in California. I am so glad! It’s full speed ahead regarding my planned flight to Fresno. I have researched the safety of planes and the protocols that are being followed in the airports and on the planes … and feel safe going on this trip.

More Trumpian Drama

The first Presidential debate was a s*&% show. Lots of talking over each other (particularly Trump). Here is a link to my separate post regarding Trump’s responses regarding COVID (from apnews) … I recall that this is what he said, since I heard him say it …..

What’s the Point?

Chief Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg passed away. Many have commented, and have been inspired by, her relationship with Chief Justice Anthony Scalia (they were ideologically opposed). They saw no point in not having a friendly relationship. I can grab on to that legacy.

Next: COVID 19: October 2020


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