Category: Stories

  • Off the Grid!

    At some point after we arrived in Washington, my status updates stopped showing up in my friends’ Facebook News Feeds. I discovered this by accident … Lynn mentioned that he hadn’t seen an update I’d posted about our anniversary.

    Prior to this time, I’d been posting updates from time to time:  my grandkids’ birthdays, our time in Disneyland, and various other moments.… Read the rest

  • Washington 2012

    We arrived in Blaine on Sunday, May 20. On the 19th, we stayed with our good friends John and Doris Burge, who live in Gig Harbor, WA. Normally we spend time on the way up with Cousin Mike and Kathi Swarthout, but they were in Russia with their son.… Read the rest

  • Moms, Memories, and Knowing Your Place

    Our home in Bakersfield now in foreclosureThis has been an interesting weekend. I could use “emotional” to describe it, but somehow that adjective seems so over-used!

    On Saturday, my friend Gay Morris and I drove to Bakersfield for the day. She wanted to put flowers on her mother’s grave, and asked if I would be interested in seeing where she grew up.… Read the rest

  • Red Sails . . .

    A camellia from my yardThe escrow on Mother’s home will close in a few days. We are completing the task of emptying the house and garage. The void left by her loss continues, although each day the memories are sweeter, and the pain less harsh.… Read the rest

  • Four Years Ago Today

    Mother and SixtyFour years ago today, I was at the Stanford Veteran’s Hospital in Palo Alto standing by with my mother with my stepfather Sixty as he passed away. It was the beginning of four lonely, heartbreaking years for my mother.  The next morning, after making the necessary arrangements, we went to the local mall for lunch.… Read the rest