Category: Family

  • Our Year 2024

    Our Year 2024

    The year began with Lynn’s left knee replacement. Fortunately, there were no complications. The first two weeks were no cakewalk. We were told that success would be 10% surgeon skill and 90% patient recovery efforts (doing the exercises, going to physical therapy, etc).… Read the rest

  • Summer 2021 Memories

    Summer 2021 Memories

    It was another quiet summer due to COVID. But we made the best of it and the best is what we got! We were able to spend time with friends that enjoy coming up here to escape from the California Central Valley heat.… Read the rest

  • Time for a Long-Awaited Mini Vacay!

    Time for a Long-Awaited Mini Vacay!

    Lynn and I, along with Brian and Vicki, had made plans (and booked airline tickets) for a trip to Fresno ‘way last April 2020. COVID 19 had other plans that interfered with this!

    Soooo … after arranging for credits through Alaska Airlines (they have been wonderful), we were in hopes that in 2021, we could eventually take our trip.… Read the rest

  • 2018 Memories

    2018 Memories

    Our year was full, with family times, friend fun, and travel! Lynn and I brought in our 70th year with a bang. We were blessed with good health and continued vigor, which we appreciate!

    It began with Robin surprising Lynn on his 70th birthday.… Read the rest

  • Happy Fourth by McKenna!

    McKennaBack in 2010, granddaughter McKenna “confiscated” grandpa’s phone and created this cute audio message! It was during a stay at our summer home in Birch Bay over the 4th of July holiday.

    Enjoy, and have a happy and safe Fourth of July week!… Read the rest