November 23 Dr. Fauci Discussion with the Washington Post

On November 23, Dr. Fauci discussed the current* status of COVID 19 with a Washington Post Reporter (YouTube link to discussion)

*Important to emphasize “current” because research findings can change or modify what science is telling us.

Below are my notes from that discussion:

No talking at this time about out shutting down country. It’s about guidelines. Masking, indoor activity, social distancing, staying away from gatherings.

Thanksgiving message: Each family makes a risk benefit assessment. Understand we are in a very difficult situation and consider that. Try to keep inside gatherings to a minimum, members of a household. There will be many more opportunities in the future. Remember the vulnerable. It will end. This is a fixed period of time. Don’t do something that would put you or your family in danger. 

Many might not need his advice. If traveling what should they do? Follow the guidelines. Social distancing, masks when indoors, disinfecting, avoiding congregate situations, crowds, etc. Outdoors vs indoors. Washing hands frequently. Those simple things considerably diminish the likelihood of infection.  States where people have followed the guidelines are faring much better than those that don’t.

Family members inside a home: Use common sense. Safest thing is to confine the activities to the immediate occupants of that home. If people come in, ascertain how and what they have been doing to avoid risk. Wear a mask indoors as much as you possibly can. All of this minimizes risk, especially if you’re not sure about where your family members have been.

Primary Reason for Infection: Social gathering, 5-10 people, inside, asymptomatic people coming in and infecting others, no mask wearing, no social distancing. Innocent family and friends gathering indoors is where virus is spread. Constrain the kinds of things you do to those you are sure are being careful.

Telltale signs that people can be on the lookout for: Early symptoms are flu like. Sore throat, upper airway fullness, fatigue, loss of smell and taste, dry cough. Don’t rely on fever as an indicator.

Get tested right away. If you are unsure, stay home

If someone tested positive 2 months ago, are they still infectious: Extroardinarily unlikely they are infectious. Ten (10) days from the onset of symptoms should result in a negative test. 

How could escalation of travel affect the death toll? We are currently in a very steep escalation. Almost entire map of country is lighting up with cases upward. This means if you are engaging in risky activities there will be a surge superimposing upon a surge. There is a lag of a couple of weeks. What is going on now is based on two weeks ago. As we enter into the more risky part of the year, we can’t exacerbate what already exists. Help is on the way! Towards the middle and end of December, the high-risk people will get vaccines. This should be an incentive for people to be MORE conscientious about the health measures. Help will be close by and it will be getting better and better as time goes by.

Surge Upon a Surge: 200,000 cases per day currently. 1,000 to 2,000 deaths per day. Count the days from now until the end of the year. It could go to well over 300,000 if we don’t turn things around. It is within our power to not let these numbers happen! Choices!!!

What is herd immunity? Generally it is when you get a certain % of the population that is protected from infection either by vaccine or illness. The fact that there are so many people protected means the virus has no place to go. And that is how the vaccine will die out. If you have a heard of strong animals, they protect the weak. The strength of the herd protects the vulnerable. Two components will move us toward herd immunity: efficacious vaccine and getting as many people vaccinated as possible. 

Engage community to understand the decision about the safety and efficacy of the vaccine. No compromise of safety or effectiveness. Data are analyzed by a completely separate monitoring board that is independent and not connected to the politics. The process, including the FDA analysis, guarantees this. It is independent and transparent. This is a solid process. 

Do you approve of the efforts by California and New York to review on their own? Dr. Fauci understands but doesn’t agree. He believes this is because of mixed messages from Washington. Doing this sheds doubt that the process currently underway should be in doubt. Yes, look at the data, but anyone should be doing that. But trust the process; it is sound.

Could these reviews by states delay the release of the vaccines? He hopes not.

Astro Zeneca (third one released later in November) There is some confusion about the doses, but the efficacy looks good. They would like to have multiple candidates that have high efficacy and safety that can each pump out vaccines here and worldwide.

Anything new such as side effects? This remains to be seen because many protocols are two years in duration. So far, any side effects appear to be very minor. Immediate, intermediate, and long term adverse symptoms will be studied. They fall into 3 categories: 1. Swelling that goes away in a day or two; 2. Something adverse that comes up after a few days; 3. Longer range side effects. Close to 95 percent of adversities occur within 30-45 days. FDA appropriately says that they won’t look for approval until 60 days since their last dose. Safety is primary! Career scientists for vaccine after vaccine is what resulted in this safety clause in the US.

If I need a COVID 19 test, which one should I get?  There are 3 tests: Test for actual virus, test for a component of the virus, and test for antibody. More expensive and longer wait results in better test results. Surveillance tests determine what the infection could be in a group. A person should go for the PCR test that takes longer and quarantine until the results are released.

After Effects from COVID 19 Illness: People that get really sick won’t feel better for a period of time. Some people had symptomatic disease (not sure of percent); 25-30% have a post-covid syndrome. No more virus in them, but it can take weeks to months to feel perfectly normal. Signs seem to be consistent. Extreme fatigue, shortness of breath, temperature control problems, sleep disturbances, “brain fog.” Research is currently underway. Also looking for residuals in the heart or nervous symptoms.

Has he spoken to President Elect Biden? (Quote) No he has not.


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