Our visit with Dave and Gay

I can see it’s been a while since we’ve posted! Our anniversary at Lummi Island was wonderful . It’s too bad you can’t see the view from the window in the photo below.  Helping to move the kids (although that is always tiring) was uneventful. We were amazed at how well Kristy had everything organized. That made a huge difference!

Too bad you can

The last week or so has been great … the highlight was Dave and Gay Morris’ visit. We spent much of our time relaxing with books and visiting. The weather couldn’t have been more perfect while they were here … sunny, with a slight breeze, and the feeling that summer was finally here … maybe?? More on the weather later …

On Chukanut Drive with the Morris

We took them to Chukanut Drive and out to Whidbey Island where the kids now live. We drove across Deception Pass and visited the Lavender Wind Farm. Of course they also got a chance to visit our precious children and grandchildren. We truly cherish our friendship with them (and with all of our friends). We spent quite a bit of time appreciating our lives which includes family and friends. We also discussed simplifying to make it easier to focus on what is really important.  They went to church with us in Bellingham, and the message that day focused on communion. We liked the way the Pastor handled the invitation to share a meal with Jesus.

Lynn and Dave decided to take a cruise from Friday Harbor to see the Orcas. Dave took some fabulous photos! Lynn tried … they were so blessed … there had been no Orca sightings for the 3 days prior to their cruise. Gay and I took our chairs to the beach and sat under a big tree for 3 1/2 hours. We mostly read and took naps!

Back to the weather … we are all sporting tans after enjoying the sun. It stayed nice for a few days after Dave and Gay left, but then last night, the sky turned really dark. Then came the loudest thunder I have ever heard in my life … and I mean it! The trailer seemed to shake. It’s been raining ever since (and not sprinkles). It’s supposed to rain on the 4th (tomorrow) .. which we plan to spend in Sedro Wooley at the Loggerodeo with the kids. Then we bring the grandkids back here for fireworks at Birch Bay (we hope). It’s life in Washington!

An Orca Photo
An Orca photo taken by Lynn


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