COVID 19 Journal

Sometime in March 2020, I (Robin) began thinking about how I could journal my personal experience and observations regarding the devastating COVID 19. Blogging seemed like a natural … one more technological “tool” to use in an attempt to deal with a New Life Under COVID.

I also thought it would be interesting to learn, once the pandemic was completely under control, how many of my beliefs at the time were in alignment with what science ultimately revealed.

My thoughts and opinions are 100% mine only.

This series of posts began in March, 2020 … the beginning of the COVID 19 spread in the United States.  Posts are organized by month. I chose news and information that resonated with me  at the time. It was fun to periodically read prior months as I continued to journal what I believed was going on. I made no changes or alterations to prior content.  The content in each post is based upon what science and my OWN research was telling me.

Someday, my kids and grandkids may enjoy reading my posts. They are not an attempt to correct anyone else’s opinions or choices regarding COVID 19 or any pandemic. My thoughts and opinions seemed to evolve and change along with time … kinda like science, actually.

Read COVID 19 monthly posts in descending order (newest first).  

Or Start at the beginning (COVID 19: February-March-April 2000).