Category: Grandkids

  • 2018 Memories

    2018 Memories

    Our year was full, with family times, friend fun, and travel! Lynn and I brought in our 70th year with a bang. We were blessed with good health and continued vigor, which we appreciate! It began with Robin surprising Lynn on his 70th birthday.… Read the rest

  • Happy Fourth by McKenna!

    Back in 2010, granddaughter McKenna “confiscated” grandpa’s phone and created this cute audio message! It was during a stay at our summer home in Birch Bay over the 4th of July holiday. Enjoy, and have a happy and safe Fourth of July week!… Read the rest

  • Landon Leaves the Nest

    Landon Leaves the Nest

    Our oldest step grandson, Landon, officially “left the nest!” In fall 2016, he began Running Start, a two-year program offered here in Washington that enabled him to complete his last two years of high school requirements while at the same time earning his Welding Certification.… Read the rest

  • Silverwood!


    Our family vacation was spent at Silverwood, located in Idaho. Lynn and I were so glad that we were invited to join Brian, Vicki, and their kids. We realize that having them all able to go on vacation with us could become difficult (or impossible) very soon.… Read the rest

  • The Year 2015

    The Year 2015

      This year has been a challenging one for us in many ways, although not without its joys and pleasures! We’ve watched friends and family deal with pain and heartache, mostly having to do with health problems. Some of those that suffered have passed away.… Read the rest